But I would like to remind the haters who love to talk crap, that at the end of the day, what you speak is just that.... crap.
In the past, I have been more than guilty of exchanging unpleasantries with fans of other programs. It was hard not to after Georgia Tech won the sloppy, rainy game in Athens a few years ago, when every, single, one of their fans decided to overtake any UGA blog or article to remind us of the final score. It got extremely annoying, and words were exchanged back and forth which I far from regret, but which I am glad I have grown out of.
Every college football fan has some sort of die-hard allegiance to one program or another. Many are based on where they went to school. Others base it on where they are from. Some just base it on which teams have been winning lately. Not a single one of them are wrong for it. Having any inkling of passion for a team is what makes the sport of College Football so wonderful for all.
So as the season is about to get revved up, I would like to remind the haters who are chomping at the bit for UGA to slip up, that there is not one damn thing that can make my undying passion for the Dawgs fade. Not the least bit. So you can hold your breath when it comes to letting me know your joys after any loss or any other hiccup this season.

I personally expect some early hiccups this year. We have a lot of inexperience which is about to be thrown into the fire. While this very well may translate into GREAT success either later on this season, or next, the early games are susceptible for disappointment. I expect to be 1-1 going into week 3, but like every other Dawg die-hard, I am hoping and praying for 2-0.
So when such a hiccup happens, haters, just keep in mind that there are no words you can speak which could EVER take away the feeling I get when I think of Athens, GA on a fall Saturday. There are no words that could ever erase the chills I get when the lone trumpeter plays their solo to begin the Battle Hymn of the Bulldawg Nation. There are no words which could dilute the memories I have of Larry Munson calling the plays of the Red and Black during my upbringing in north eastern Georgia. There are no words which can make me feel less at home when I take my seat inside Sanford Stadium with 92,746 of my closest friends and family. There are no words that can take away the emotions I get when I see the silver britches break through that beautiful, elongated G to enter the field between the hedges while the redcoat band plays "Glory Glory to ole' Georgia". No words can take away the spark that ignites inside of me when the redcoat band plays "Krypton Fanfare" before the start of the 4th quarter. No words could ever replace the joy I feel when hearing the Chapel Bell being rung after victory. No words can make me less excited to read whatever news or blogs comes out regarding MY Georgia Bulldawgs.
So save your breath, haters. I don't care if UGA doesn't win a game for 10 years. I will still proudly wear my G, while counting down the hours until the next kickoff. I will still look forward to the good times spent with friends and family that comes along with college football.
So each of you haters who wish to chime in on my Dawgs, I am sure you have some allegiance for one reason or another to a rival program. So I ask you kindly, that while I pledge allegiance to mine, and you pledge allegiance to yours, please do not try and change my mind, as I surely am not trying to change yours.
Because frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
6 short days til' kickoff!!
Go Dawgs!!
Its funny you mention gt fans I have a friend who loves them and I have to remind him everytime we lose to someone and he gloats about that its only because he has to live his dreams through another team that is not his on